Lotus Behavior Analysis Therapy

Lotus ABA

Lotus Behavior Analysis Therapy provides in-home and community-based behavioral therapy based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality and most effective interventions for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. We believe every individual deserves access to quality services and we are here to help our clients and their families achieve their goals. 

What is ABA therapy?

ABA is a therapy based on the science of learning and behavior. Developmentally significant skills taught in ABA therapy can include requesting, listening, potty training, self-help skills, social skills, cognitive processing, executive functioning, and conversations. ABA therapy in your home offers our therapists the chance to witness behavior first-hand and address issues as they arise. It also provides more opportunities to target skills that are socially significant in your child’s environment. In-home therapy offers great opportunities for parents to learn from our therapists about how to alter the care for their child and for siblings to get involved in the therapy. As new challenges arise, therapists can coach parents in new and different ways of addressing them. We want to work on goals that are significant to you and your life, that is why every therapy plan is tailored and individualized for each client.

Contact Lotus Behavior Analysis Therapy Today.